Installing Windows XP on Dell Inspiron N5010 Laptop

Installing Windows XP on Dell Inspiron N5010 Laptop

This is my Windows XP( 32 bit) downgrade on a Dell Inspiron n5010
First thing you will need to do is slipstream the AHCI sata drivers into your Windows XP installation. To do this you will need a program called nLite and a windows xp cd or iso. You can find nLite here:NLITE
Second, you will need to download the intel AHCI sata controller driver found here INTEL AHCI SATA
Third, use nLite to slip stream the Intel® RST Driver Files into your windows installation, once done burn your new made iso and install windows. If you need help using nLite you can follow this guide found here: NLITE GUIDE
Fourth, after installation you need to download the chipset drivers which you can find here: CHIPSET DRIVERS

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